Import & Export

ALPY Trade & Consultancy, as the commercial agency of the leading manufacturers, has an important role in meeting the raw material and product needs of various sectors, such as agriculture, food, machinery, textile, construction, industrial materials, for Central and Southern Europe and Turkey.

Advantages of working with us and benefits we may provide to you are as follow:

  • We have up-to-date information from the market. We provide our principals with first-hand information, which enables them to respond quickly and adapt to the needs of the market.
  • We have established long-term business relationships with our business partners. We ensure good business relations with their customers. Strong business relationships are especially important in difficult market conditions.
  • We are sales specialists. We represent several principals and can create a perfect set of products that complement each other in the offer to our customers.
  • We are principally paid a commission based on the volume of products we sell. We are paid after the completion of the transaction with a commission, the amount of which is previously agreed in the contract.
  • We do not represent a fixed labor cost for your company. We are independent entrepreneurs who bear the costs of social security contributions and other labor costs ourselves.
  • We enable our principals to have a more optimal organizational structure. Companies that entrust the sale and implementation of marketing activities (market observation, product launch) to an independent commercial agent create a lean organizational structure. The company saves on labor costs and avoids dealing with excess capacity issues. So you can concentrate on carrying out the core business.
  • We are strategic partners in the global market. We are an indispensable partner to export companies all over Central and Southern Europe and Turkey. With our knowledge, penetration into foreign markets is less risky.